Gleepan Nutrition App

Screen showcase the app's ability to track progress in multiple mineral tests


Individuals with ASD present different symptoms as it is a spectrum condition. This condition is usually diagnosed and analysed through multiple behavioural and mineral balance evaluations. The team aims to help make dietary intervention as easy as possible.

My Role

UX UI design, prototyping and testing, co-writing a business plan and pitch to potential VCs. We won a small price in the competition of Designing for Disability.

Study shows that managing nutrients intake to compensate for mineral deficiencies, removing toxins present in individuals with ASD have a significant impact to the child’s physical health thus better the cognitive development.

the problem

There is no tool in the health and wellness industry provides mineral based nutrition advise. Each child’s imbalance is unique to the other, there is no general guides that works for all autistic individuals. To cater for their dietary needs, parents undergoes a lot of stress to remember what’s good and what’s bad for their kid, and results the same food all year round.

I have been cooking the same menu, because I feel there are many limitations of what I can provide, just because I've been avoiding Zinc & casein.

April Prima
Mother of a 6 years old child with ASD
icon for mother of an autistic child
the solution

An app that takes the chemistry equations out of the grocery shopping task, translating the child’s mineral test result directly into dietary recommendations and recipes, making meal planing much easier.

the landing screen of the Gleepan nutrition/recipe app
screen of mineral test result simplified
screen of food profile generated by the mineral test result

Generating the test results and releasing it to the user's smartphone app – Users will be able to access their mineral profile via the app.


The in-app recommendations engine will generate the appropriate diet plan with meal options that meet their nutritional needs. 


A community landing page that curates popular ASD related topics from the in app forum and other content that’s generated from users.

screen of aggregated popular topics

The app comes with the ability to continually monitor one’s diet, helps the doctor to see the progress.

screen of the diet tracker

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